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Announcement: Renewed Hope for XLHED Research!

Begonnen von Iris U., 07. Juli 2017, 21:52:15

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Iris U.

We are excited to share with you the latest news in our journey to develop a treatment for x-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED)

EspeRare, a not-for-profit drug developer based in Switzerland, is picking up where Edimer Pharmaceuticals left off! EspeRare is exploring the possibility of re-launching the development of ER-004 (formerly known as EDI200) as a treatment for babies affected by XLHED. They are looking to start a phase II clinical study where ER-004 would be administered to babies "in utero".

Learn about EspeRare's plan, the players involved and how the three babies already treated in utero are doing. Also, find out how you can help advance this research.


All unsere Streitigkeiten entstehen daraus, dass einer dem anderen seine Meinung aufzwingen will.
~ Mahatma Gandhi

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